The past, present, and Future

Hello everyone, I miss you so much, how is your day? How is your life going so far; we are already 7 days into this new year; wow, life goes on, right! It moves very fast; I think…

Last year was like a roller coaster for me; I think it was like that for many of us; ups and downs; life keeps surprising us, sometimes with good and happy surprises and sometimes with bad ones.

I didn’t write here much, sometimes I felt that I was paralyzed, I couldn’t move, think, or do anything; that’s a reason from many other reasons that I couldn’t keep writing here for you; but here we are again, let’s welcome this year, happy new year everyone ❤

So, here we are, 2024, hello you, hello all, they always say the past is history, the future is a mystery, and the present is all that we have; there’s a riddle that asks “What is the thing that always comes, but never arrives?”

It’s a simple answer; “Tomorrow” We always worry about it, we worry about it today, and when tomorrow comes we worry about the day day after tomorrow and so on, a cycle keeps going, like a hamster that spins in the same circle over and over again…

It’s like a task we do every day, to worry about tomorrow, believe me, I’m the worst case in this one, I’m an overthinker, I keep thinking and worrying like that I’ll explode from thinking and worrying about things I don’t have a control on, I’m not a control freak, but I love to know, you know!

And when tomorrow comes, I do it again and again, and many like me, same as me, spinning in that boring circle, but it’s as simple as it looks, the future is always a mystery, yes, plan for the life of your dreams, have goals, work to achieve them, but don’t forget to enjoy every moment of your journey, don’t forget to live the life while running after your dreams, because life happens while we planning for the future…

It’s like a balance between the life you already live and the life you dream about; to enjoy achieving dreams and goals, the success you will have, you must learn to enjoy the moments of the present life, to enjoy the work, enjoy the little good moments, the little pleasures, to enjoy each and every moment you have in this journey because it’s all about the journey we take, not the destination we arrive at.

The past is history, it’s finished, of course, we have some of its impact on us, but nothing can turn it and change what happened; instead of crying about it, start living today, live in the present moment, the future is a mystery that you can’t control, but the now, this moment while you read this, is what you really have control over…

Learn this year, to live, love, wonder, learn, and be spontaneous, live the moment, yes, keep working hard to achieve your dreams and goals, and never ever give up, but also learn to stop worrying, stop thinking much about the future and the past; learn to enjoy your life, to be like kids when they experience everything for the first time, when they eat something new for 1st time, or when they watch a new movie, or go to somewhere new.

Make this year memorable, make it a year with loved ones, meet new people, and go to places where you have happy memories at, go to new places, make new memories, romanticize your life, I watched a YouTube video, she was talking about some steps to romanticize your winter and I got the idea from her, why not romanticize our lives?!

Not just for one season, but always, every season, every moment, let’s spread love, let’s be human, back to our nature, our simple, good, and human nature; let’s make this year about you and me, about memories, happiness, love, wondering and surprising ourselves.

I don’t want to end this, but we will meet again sooner than later, till the next time, enjoy, be happy, smile, learn to live the moment, enjoy the little indulging pleasures; till next time be safe and always smile, love you all, happy new year and wish you a year filled with love, happiness, peace, freedom and success. ❤ ❤ ❤ XO XO

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