The world of Pierce Brosnan (#2)

β€œI love movies. I adore movies. I grew up on Steve McQueen and Clint Eastwood and Warren Beatty. The list goes on. Spencer Tracy. I wanted to be in movies.”

Pierce Brosnan

Hello everyone, how are you? How’s life going so far? miss me as I miss you πŸ˜€ Here we are at Part 2 diving into the world of one of my favorite actors, Pierce Brosnan; let’s grab our coffee or any drink you prefer and go on a journey to the world of movies and filmmaking…

without any further ado, let me welcome you to part two; in the last part, we talked about his 1st main role in Remington Steele and a couple of his 1st movies, this post will move to some of his fascinating roles and growing to be one of the best and famous in the film industry.

Fighting for your beliefs and never disobeying orders

I don’t know how to begin with this one, this movie was in 1987, and it is based on the 1984 novel The Fourth Protocol by Frederick Forsyth; let me first give you a summary of the story, John, a British spy, learns about a sinister plot by Valeri Petrofsky, a KGB agent, to detonate bombs across Britain and races against time to stop the evil mastermind.

If you know me, I don’t love to burn the movies and shows by telling you the whole story, but instead, I love to excite you to watch them and judge them yourself.

I didn’t watch this movie until later, i wasn’t sure if I wanted to watch it in the first place; it’s not because I hate that kind of movie, but because I had a feeling that Pierce would be the bad boy in this one; of course, I love Michael Caine, and his acting is something else, but Pierce was something else in this one.

1st, in this movie Pierce is a Russian spy, Russian, which is something unbelievable because, in my opinion, Russians have a different physical appearance, the world is special that way, the diversity of nations and the characteristics, I don’t know how to say it, but what I mean that we all are different in many ways, skin colors, heights, weight, face shapes, and so on, so as an Irish actor to be Russian is something not easy, like if you are an actor from Scotland and will act as an Egyptian; it’s not easy, believe me, πŸ˜€

So when I started watching the movie, I was like oh my, my first expression was like “WOW” he didn’t speak, you see a soldier taking orders, no word, just obeying; then in the whole movie, you see a man not speaking much, rather he was acting without a word, you’re like watching a documentary or something real; the few sentences in his dialogue were simple, but the way he acted with his eyes, no emotion, a man believes that his country is right, and believes what he was doing was good, also there was a trick…

I don’t know if anyone who watched the movie noticed it, in the movie he was a spy and went to England under the name James Edward, a British man, who lived between some Americans from the navy or something, one of them had a girlfriend, she noticed Pierce (aka James) he noticed her too, in a scene they will go out for some fun and took James with them, some games, drinks, and dance; the girl danced with James, she likes him and drawn to his handsome cold behavior as she described him, cold British man…

He asked to leave, and when she drove him to his house, she started to flirt with him, but he stopped her, and told her not to wait for him because he wasn’t coming back; so, got inside his house, slamming the door, getting angry with himself; why? simply if you noticed he started liking her and started developing a weak point that he didn’t need and couldn’t afford.

I didn’t read the novel, but I felt that I wanted more about this weakness he had for this girl; In another scene while waiting for the specialist that will help him to install the bomb parts together; he was watching his neighbors, laughing at this, watching that, until he saw the girl, I will stop here, go and watch if not the movie, watch this scene, it’s like not watching something, you’re living inside his character!

As I said before he didn’t speak much, but the whole movie you’re watching a man acting with his eyes, his body language, with his facial expressions, and you’ll be surprised…

Around the world in 80 days

Here we are back to the good role, who doesn’t know the novel Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne; a mini-series, 3 episodes made in 1989; it’s the story of Mr. Phileas Fogg making a Β£20,000 wager with three members of the Reform Club that he can circumnavigate the world in 80 days. He takes with him his newly employed French valet Passepartout and is pursued by Detective Wilbur Fix who mistakenly thinks Fogg robbed the Bank of England and is using the wager as a cover to escape capture.

In this beauty, you’ll travel the world, fall in love and can’t express it, meet beautiful women, strange men, and gangs; you’ll save the girl, and you’ll laugh out loud; here you’ll see Pierce as Mr. Phileas Fogg, who is very punctual in time; he hates when he is late, it’s funny how Pierce acted this role, he was very convincing and so funny, without acting comedy without making any effort; or that what I felt while watching him acting smoothly and perfectly the role.

I can’t say more about this one, instead, please watch it and have some fun and adventure while traveling the world in 80 days… πŸ˜€

Fool me once, shame on you…

The Heist, a Television movie made in 1989; Emerging from prison after four years, Neil Skinner has only one aim: revenge against the man who framed him, his former business partner Ebbet Berens. The two-handled security for a San Diego racetrack, but Ebbet has since usurped both that and Sheila, Neil’s former love. The embittered Neil assembles a group of track insiders to pull off a robbery that will vindicate him and send his rival to jail. And, if he’s lucky, he’ll win the girl back too.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me; this movie is about that phrase; a man got out of prison after 4 years, had been in the prison for something he didn’t commit, instead his friend and business partner did this to him to steal him and steal his lover; but he had the 4 years to play it good, actually to mastermind the best Heist…

A good movie, something to watch and enjoy every part of it and if you like me in love with Pierce you’ll fall in love more and deeply… ❀ πŸ˜€

Murder 101

Another wonderful TV. movie made in 1991; a movie about Charles Lattimore delivers a lecture to his students on how to commit the perfect murder. Later, he becomes the prime suspect in an investigation when a similar crime takes place.

If you study creative writing and you have this handsome professor what do you do? kill him, sleep with him, or frame him for the perfect murder; this one I searched for a long time until I found it on YouTube, I wanted to watch it so much, that I kept searching, and I didn’t give up on what I want; so I was happy to find it and watched it…

A creative writing professor. who had his best-selling book about a doctor who killed his wife; teaching the students how to write the perfect murder story; also he had issues with his wife but wanted to back to her, and through the movie, you’ll see the plot and twist of whom wanted to frame him for a murder, not one murder but two…

Love, desire, lust, and death

β€œTell me every terrible thing you ever did, and let me love you anyway.” β€” Edgar Allan Poe

Victim of Love or Raw Heat; is a movie about a therapist who falls in love with an English tall and handsome professor, she has a patient who loves a man so much and becomes a victim of his schemes…

Two lies and one fact, who was the right between the three of them?

Fun fact, this was the first movie I watched for Pierce and I didn’t even search for it, I found it while searching for another movie; I don’t know why, but I loved the poster and said OKAY, let’s watch it, what are we going to lose?! right! then I wasn’t yet a fan of Pierce, and till now every time I remember why I didn’t like him that much? Why do I refuse to watch any of his movies? I can’t quite understand why I didn’t like him when I was a child or as a teenager; I watched this one, and for the first time, I wondered how can I not like him? πŸ˜€

I can’t believe this, I was laughing after the movie as I became fond of him and addicted to him πŸ˜€ this movie will blow your mind with the twists and the plot, and you’ll start asking yourself who is the bad here and who is the good, who lies and who isn’t; I love it and love the story, but didn’t love the ending so much, but didn’t hate it too;; watch it and enjoy this movie, it’s amazing and Pierce’s act was wonderful piece of art…

Here we are at the end of this part, love you all, and thank you for taking the time to read it; love you and till the 3rd part, stay safe, smile, and never give up your goals and dreams; see you. ❀ ❀ XO XO

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