The world of Pierce Brosnan (#3)

β€œActing allows me to explore new worlds, to discover characters by delving into their lives, and ultimately to become someone else entirely.”

β€” Pierce Brosnan

Hello everyone, how are you? How’s life? missed you all already, and here we are in the 3rd part of the world of Pierce Brosnan; we have a lot to catch on this post, so let’s grab our coffee or any drink you prefer and without any further ado let’s go…

A bomb without a device

Let me begin this one with a fun fact, I didn’t want to watch it first, like I was postponing it so much, that I felt this one would be so good and I’d love it; and when I watched it, oh my I fell in love more with Pierce and his character in this movie.

This movie was made in 1992, my birth year πŸ˜€ anyway, it’s about a bomb disposal expert Danny, who is in pursuit of terrorists who are using a liquid explosive that activates inside the human body. One of the targets is a senator who is having an affair with Danny’s wife.

I always love the funny part in Pierce, he just jokes around, it’s not a comedy movie, but you’ll still burst to laugh at some scenes, in one of them; his partner made a robot and called this robot Madonna, the first scene when we will meet robot Madonna, Pierce was talking with a woman from the media, and the robot will tickle him in his ass; he will move away and ask his partner to make this toy stay away from him; just saying this simple sentence in a way that made it funny every time you’ll see him with this funny robot you’ll laugh at them…

And not just those scenes, in the scene when Pierce first appeared in the movie, he was undoing some bomb in a car, while the girl is sitting in the car because her husband decided to revenge by bombing her because she met someone else; what a maniac πŸ˜€ (a piece of advice don’t do this, just divorce or breakup but not bomb, please πŸ˜€ ) she was sitting there unable to move because of the bomb and he was down there undoing it; she asked him if she is going to die; he simply answered her; yes, she said I mean now; he asked her about her favorite color and said after looking at her legs, what a cute bomb πŸ˜€ when you watch it, you’ll understand what he referred to…

After finishing and stopping the bomb, he advised her to go back to her husband and wear underwear πŸ˜€ this was awkward and funny…

Other scenes that supposed to be serious and not fun at all, but somehow Pierce made it funny or as we call it dark comedy. It’s a movie that will make you fall in love with Pierce in every way, the father, the lover, the hero, and the funny guy.

If I kept going in this one, I will burn the whole story for you, so go and watch it and share with me your opinion about it.

Mrs. Doubtfire

RIP Robin Williams who doesn’t love him; this movie was made in 1993, After a bitter divorce, Daniel, an actor, disguises himself as Mrs Doubtfire, an elderly female housekeeper, in order to spend time with his children, who are in his former wife’s custody.

In this one Pierce was a co-actor, not the main role, still when he acts, he acts from his heart and gives the role everything he can; he should be the bad in this story, yet; actually, he wasn’t evil or bad; he was just a normal businessman who likes the woman and her kids too; if she chose him, it’s good, if she chose her husband he will leave; so technically he wasn’t evil nor the reason of their divorce…

It was fun, comedy, and something light to watch and have fun.

Europe will vanish in two days

Death Train is a TV. movie also called Detonator was made in 1993; a pair of UN strike-force experts are tasked with disarming a lethal nuclear weapon planted in a hijacked cargo train by a dissident Russian general.

If you want another action movie with some jokes and a woman who beats Pierce and proves him wrong then here it is; in this one, he meets Sabrina Carver and works with her to save the world; also you’ll see some fun couple of scenes between him and Patrick Stewart; when 1st Patric called him to ask him to come for the job Pierce wasn’t going to listen and said he will call him after two-three days until Patrick shut him up saying until then Europe will end…

The Scenes with Alexandra (aka Sabrina) is hilarious and fun to watch.

Don’t talk to strangers

Don’t Talk to Strangers was made in 1994, it is a TV movie about Jane, who divorces her alcoholic husband, Bonner, marries Douglas, and starts a new life with him and her son from Bonner. But Bonner refuses to let go of her and Douglas is not that noble.

You know that old and cliche advice; Never talk to strangers, don’t go with them anywhere; this one is about that advice; a woman divorced her alcoholic husband and has her son’s custody; then after a while meeting a handsome stranger in the gym she works at; a date then another, and falling for him and marrying him; but does he really noble and good as she thought or he’s the stranger you should stay away from?

Oh, yes; you’re right, Pierce in this one is the bad guy and not just any bad; the bad manipulative one; another movie to watch and enjoy a different type of roles that Pierce nailed it…

Another mission with Miss Carver

Yes, I know Pierce with a mustache for the first time πŸ˜€ anyway; this is part 2 of Detonator; was made in 1995 and based on an Alistair MacLean story. Two United Nations troubleshooters on an apparently straightforward mission to Amsterdam find themselves in hot water when their fraud investigation leads them to Hong Kong. There they discover a high-stakes scheme that threatens the security of the world.

I love this part more than the first one because we will see more scenes between Pierce and Alexandra (aka Mike and Sabrina)…

Of course, this will have action, some fun, and some jealousy πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€ I don’t like the idea of the mustache but still, he was handsome in it πŸ˜€ ❀

This movie is the last movie for Pierce on TV, then he became James Bond, and this will be in the next part; the part you wait for; till the next one, stay safe, smile and never give up; thank you for your time reading this post; love you all. ❀ ❀ XO XO

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