The world of Pierce Brosnan (#4)

β€œIt felt after the Bonds, after my four outings as James Bond, there seemed to be unfinished business. And the way that the Bond finished in my life and the demise of Bond going off stage left into the night, it seemed like there was a certain void there, as they say, of unfinished business.”

Pierce Brosnan

Hello everyone, how are you? here we are again in another part indulging in the world of one of the best actors ever; the most awaiting part; diving inside the world of James Bond aka Pierce Brosnan; this part might be a little bit longer, but we will have some fun; so, grab your coffee, or any drink you prefer in this cold winter night, and if it’s not winter in your country, grab some iced coffee and let’s go to chill with movies…

First, let me tell you some fun facts: I never liked James Bond before, but why? Why didn’t I like it? I love Mission Impossible, Die Hard, and many other action movies; so why didn’t I like this one? simply because I didn’t like the idea of the man with different women in each part; I don’t like; we had a Syrian-Lebanon show, it was a wonderful show in the 1st season, but then every season made they had the hero had a relationship with different women and I stopped watching it after 1st part…

Anyway, back to our topic, I wasn’t a fan of James Bond, not just the many women who fall for Mr. Bond; but also, I thought that Pierce was the only one who made Bond, I was a child and foolish πŸ˜€ I know, I didn’t know that Bond’s series was been 30-something years before Pierce; and you will ask again, why didn’t you like Pierce in the first place? I can’t answer that because I don’t know, maybe because he was so handsome and still πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€ ❀ But as a fan of Pierce, I decided to watch James Bond, I’m as an Adult still don’t like the idea of falling for so many women and that every woman falls hard for him; I like James Bond, if the character was in reality, I might lie him, but if you ask me, would you be with a man like James Bond or Danny from (Live wire) or Thomas Crown? πŸ˜€ all portrayed by Pierce.

I’ll answer that question at the end; till then let’s dive into the world of James Bond and Pierce Brosnan…

If I had him, I wouldn’t let him out

Before the first movie James Bond Pierce 1st appeared in, he was suggested for the role around a decade ago, in the 80s but because of his contract in the show Remington Steele, he didn’t take the role at that time; also, once Pierce said in an interview that this was good for him and made him a better man and better actor; the fun fact is that interview was in 1993 when he made Mrs. Doubtfire, then after two years in 1995 here we are seeing Pierce in his first James Bond movie…

Before Goldeneye, some of James Bond was not as hit as before and didn’t succeed, when Pierce signed the contract, he signed for 3 movies and an option for the fourth; the first one was Goldeneye in 1995 after 6 years after the last James Bond by Timothy Dalton “License to kill” and it wasn’t a movie adopted from any of Ian Flamings’ stories; it was a movie to intro Pierce also it was a movie that showed us the changes that happened in the world in the middle of the 90s and cold war…

Goldeneye was not just a super hit and successful at the box office, but also made a huge fanbase for Pierce around the world, thinking that Pierce was one of the best to act Bond; when I watched Goldeneye, I thought the same thing and felt that Pierce is much like Bond, even if in the reality Pierce’s personality is different.

Another interesting fact is that Brosnan first met James Bond film producer Albert R. Broccoli on the sets of For Your Eyes Only, as his first wife, Cassandra Harris, had been cast as Countess Lisl von Schlaf, mistress to Milos Columbo. Broccoli said, “If he can act … he’s my guy” to inherit the role of Bond from Roger Moore.

Pierce’s Humor, good-looking, charming blue eyes, and handsome smile made it seem to be easy for him to act as James Bond, which also, made all the fans adore him in this role.

A fun fact, can a boy 11 years old while watching Sean Connery’s Goldfinger movie, see that he will be James Bond one day?! yeah, dreams can come true, and that is an example if you work hard and believe you will make your dreams come true.

This time I’ll not write any summary about Bond’s movies, instead go and watch it if you haven’t yet; we all know that when a movie in a franchise hits the box office it makes it difficult to retain the same success each time or even be close the 1st success, but that’s not meaning that the other movies didn’t success, it succeeded. but not the same as Goldeneye.

Goldeneye’s name was taken from Ian Flaming’s house the goldeneye. The song performed by Tina Turner was a super hit and like many of Bond’s theme songs won some awards, the fans and critics loved the song and performance…

Goldeneye is my favorite and on my top 10 list of Bond movies of all time.

Media was, still, and will always be the most dangerous weapon

In my humble opinion, this one was ahead of its time, showing us the horrible the media can do to us, how about the era of social media we live in when everyone and anyone can write a piece of news that can change a lot either to the worst or to the best either a lie or a truth, a manipulative weapon that can be the most dangerous of all weapons, and it never dies…

This one was made in 1997, the 2nd Bond movie for Pierce, some critics and reviews weren’t in favor of this one, still, it was a success at the box office and I found it good, it had a very important message that media as it’s useful but also can be so dangerous when it’s in the wrong hands.

When Pierce signed the contract for James Bond, he asked if he could work in different movies in between and they agreed on that…

In this movie I liked something and it was the appearance of one of the former love ladies back in his life and how Pierce acted when he saw her and when found her dead in his room; We all have a past that sometimes rushes back to our lives and gives us some closure and lessons; about closures, we will talk about something in Pierce’s life but after finishing the movies….

Did you notice? Yes, BMW; one of my favorites ❀ I wish I could have one even if a motorcycle I won’t mind it πŸ˜€ anyway; BMW gifted Pierce a car the 8 Series Coupe in the 850 Ci; also, BMW made a deal with MGM to have appeared in the movies; I like that marketing strategy πŸ˜€

Want Bond and a BMW, what a dream πŸ˜€ ❀ and by the way, I adore the scene of the motorbike when Pierce and Michelle were riding it…

Nothing is for granted

Remember when I said that Brosnan asked to work in different roles in between Bond’s movies; here is a movie made in 1997; one of my favorites for Pierce; Dante’s Peak as Pierce said about this one it’s a family movie; yes, he always said that about this movie, and yeah, it’s kind of a movie because there’s no explicit scenes or mature language.

It’s a movie about Volcanologist Dalton who travels to Dante’s Peak and discovers a ragingly destructive volcano. He must race against time to convince the unbelieving populace about its existence and avert a catastrophe.

I think it was smart of Pierce to make different movies in between James Bond and that made him a better actor also, not stuck in Bond’s character and making the people see him in different roles and characters.

I love the movie and the graphics; love the story, it’s good, and the chemistry between the characters, also there was some fun in this one, if there’s Pierce there’s some humor…

Don’t steal my heart and abandon me

“Can women trust you, Mr. Crown?” πŸ˜€ I can’t trust him, yet I’m in love with him πŸ˜€ ❀ so, this one was made in 1999; it’s adapted from a movie of the same name made in 1968 by Steven McQueen and Feya Dunaway, fun fact; Feya appeared in the new version as his physiatrist…

Thomas Crown has everything a mortal man could ask for, which is why his life is devoid of excitement. He begins stealing works of art for sheer thrill. However, investigator Catherine is on to him.

For me I love this version more than the old one that was made in 1968, not just because of Pierce or the chemistry between him and Rene, one of my favorite actresses, but also because of the changes that have been made in the story; I don’t want to burn the story either for the new one or old one, instead go and watch both of them and share your opinion with me; I’ll be happy to know yours ❀

I loved the story, the chemistry, the roles and characters, and everything about this one; if I could choose a movie to be in and back by time to meet a character that might be Thomas Crown, but what about the question I put above; if you have a chance to be in a relationship with a character from Pierce’s movies and show, who will be your choice? James Bond, Thomas Crown, Danny from Live Wire, Dalton from Dante’s Peak, Steele from Remington Steele; or maybe Taffin; hmmm a difficult question; still will answer it in the last post… πŸ˜‰

“Would you dance or would you dance?” πŸ˜‰

Stockholm syndrome

‘Never let them see you bleed.’ – The World Is Not Enough (1999)

Another Bond movie was made in 1999; what do you know about Stockholm Syndrome? This movie when I started watching this, I said it’s all about the victim who fell in love with her kidnapper; it’s a famous syndrome, but this isn’t our topic now; I didn’t like it as much as Goldeneye, but also, I didn’t hate it; I enjoyed watching it and I love some scenes…

Another movie for Bond that had some negative critics and reviews, yet again was successful at the box office.

Also, there were some quotes that I loved in this one, some important lessons about life, ambition, love, and loyalty…

It’s nice to watch and don’t joke about Christmas πŸ˜‰ you’ll understand if you watched or let’s say I’m encouraging you to watch it πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€

Who Betrayed James Bond?

The last James Bond for Pierce; Die Another Day made in 2002; and celebrated 40 years of Bond; when I was reading some reviews about the four movies, there was one about ranking the four movies from worst to best, and Die Another Day was the worst in the opinion of the writer who wrote the review; anyway; I this the four movies were good; yes, indeed Goldeneye was the best; but I love Die another day; and think it was good; also I felt that Pierce after that one could do a fifth movie…

yes, a fifth one, I felt that it would be good if he did another Bond movie and felt that the way he left wasn’t the right closure or right way to leave the franchise; also, Brosnan said the same as the quote I wrote above at the beginning of that post, but I think Brosnan didn’t make another one because at that time he was approaching his 50; for Bond movies, Bond should be in his late 30s or mid-40s at most…

When he found out that Daniel Craig would be the next Bond, he said that he was excited to watch him as Bond and that Craig is a very good actor…

I loved the Chemistry between Halle Berry and Pierce Brosnan in that movie; also felt that finally Bond found a match πŸ˜€ I would like to watch them in another movie but who knows, maybe will act together again.

So, for me if I had to choose Bond, would always be Brosnan; I love all who acted in Bond, yet, Brosnan was my favorite of all; strange, right from hate to love, from disliking Bond and Brosnan when I was a child then loving both when I’m adult πŸ˜€

Till the next post, I’ll leave you with love and never give up, stay safe and smile always; love you all and thank you for reading, thank you for being here with me; love you all, see you next time… ❀ ❀ XO XO

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