The world of Pierce Brosnan (part 5)

Hello everyone, how are you? How’s life? How’s 2024 going so far with you? I missed you all so much and missed my blog 😀 so let’s continue our journey with one of the most talented actors, let’s dive into the world of Drama, action, horror, romance, and comedy…

Without any further ado let’s have our coffee, or some iced coffee on these hot summer days, if you’re not a coffee person tea is a good idea too, hot or iced or any drink you prefer, bring it on and join us.


A true story about a father who will do everything to get his children back and win their custody after his wife left him and ran away with another man; this movie is sentimental and beautiful and full of amazing meanings, wonderful performance, and magnificent drama.

After the sunset

Do you like action and comedy? How about some heist drama with a bit of romance? if you’re in this mix, let me introduce you to this movie if you haven’t watched it yet; yes, it’s not the best of the best, but it’s still an amazing movie, and a light story to have something fun to watch on a movie night; also, Pierce’s act as always was amazing in this one and his Chemistry with Salma Hayek was wonderful and different…

Low of Attraction

No, I won’t talk about this low attraction that everyone on YouTube and vloggers talk about; I’ll talk about this movie, in 2004, another light rom-com that takes us into a relationship between two lawyers, wonderful divorce lawyers, and how the fight could turn into kiss and makeup…

Butterfly on a wheel

Or by another name (Shattered), be careful of what you do because what goes around comes around, if you cheat, you’ll have your punishment, if you destroy lives and break them, don’t think that your life will be safe anymore…

This movie is one of my favorites, with amazing performances from each and everyone in this movie, but especially Pierce’s performance and how I loved his character and his presence in the whole movie, of course, I loved Gerard and Maria’s performance.

I’ll not burn the story for you and if you haven’t watched it yet, please, watch it on your movie night with some popcorn and some refreshing drinks. ❤ 😀

The Greatest

Grief isn’t easy, each one of us has his/her own way of grief, feeling sad, moving on, and living through life without the people we loved the most; this movie is a beautiful movie about grief, the loss of love, the loved ones we lose and how life changes after them, how the memories rush to you and never stop.

This movie is about how the parents who lost their boy found the son in his lover and their grandchild…

The ghostwriter

To be a ghostwriter for some normal people is something and to be a ghostwriter for a politician is something else; a brilliant act and wonderful performance; a movie about a ghostwriter needs money and will accept a job for a politician to write his biography and from there beings the horrifying secrets and truth comes to surface to kill everyone around… So before accepting the job, read in-between the lines.

I don’t know how she does it

A woman, an employee, a wife, a mother, a friend, and a lot more in between; how she does it, she’s a woman who loves her job and her home and her family; a comedy movie that tells you women can do both job and home.

And she can be an amazing friend, and a matchmaker too 😀 this one is a light comedy movie and a nice idea for a movie night…

Here we come to the end of this post, won’t be the last, still others will come your way sooner than later; love you all, and thank you for being here with me and having time to read this post, if you’re not a follower, follow for more and love you all, till next time, be save, smile and never give up… XO XO XO ❤ ❤ ❤

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