The daily brew #28 (Quick tips & tricks)

Hello, everyone; how are you? How’s everything? How’s your summer? As we said “summer”, we are going to talk about some quick tips and tricks in this hot summer…

Before we continue, let’s grab an iced coffee or any iced drink to refresh ourselves while having some tips and tricks to survive this hot weather…

Summer is here, and it’s so hot this year, we all know that when it’s summer, it’s beach time, a time in the sea and holidays; but this year it’s not the same summer weather as before, it’s extra hot; so, we need extra care for our skins, our bodies, and our inside too; let’s go in a quick view for some tips and tricks.

  • Drink water; our bodies need hydration all the time, not just in the summer, but also in the winter; but in summer, especially this one, we need to drink more and more water; and I mean pure water, maybe water with lemon or some fruits pieces; it has to be water because water what gives us full hydration. Put water beside you always to remember to drink it and with you everywhere.
  • Sunscreen is your best friend; men or women; don’t go out without SPF, never ever; not even when the sun isn’t so obvious; always wear your SPF.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables; it’s a tip I always try to remind myself to do; because we need healthy food to improve our immunity and our system; I’m not a doctor, but summer fruits are very good and contain natural sugar, water and good for our health, also vegetables like cucumbers gives your body some water and other benefits, you can google it…
  • Don’t stay in the sun for so long; don’t ever stay under the sun for a long time because this might end badly, if not some burns, it’ll give you a sunstroke.
  • Skincare routine; don’t ignore your skincare routine; always wash your face and take care of your skin.
  • Less makeup; stop overdoing makeup, let your face detox a little, and refresh itself, it’s so hot for foundation and blusher; maybe some eyeshadow and lip-gloss; something simple…
  • Pull your hair up; having long hair, pull it up, there are different styles that can inspire you to pull your hair up; just Google it or Youtube or Pinterest.
  • Wear sunglass and hats if you have: Okay this one might not be for everyone; wearing sunglass is easy for people who don’t wear eyeglasses, but you can make your eyeglasses as sunglasses; for hats, if you don’t like hats or give you a headache, it’s okay, but if not so, please wear it as much as you can.
  • Take a shower, or bath after coming from outside; to refresh your body, and try to make it cold, not so hot, maybe warm; but not so so hot…
  • Wear light colors; try to stay away from dark colors in the summer and wear light shades like white, baby blue, and so on…
  • Finally, don’t forget to drink water.

Thank you all for having time to read this daily brew; Happy weekend, enjoy your weekend and if you have more tips and tricks, please, share them with us; love you all and till next time stay safe, smile, be happy and never give up… XO XO XO ❤ ❤ ❤

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