The Full Moon

“I trust that August is going

to bless me with lots of beautiful
& happy moments! It is going to
wash my stress and fears away.
I feel the breakthrough coming!”

Lukas Notes

Hello August, hello to the new moon, the full moon, hello to a new chapter in life, hello to the new days;

New days, new pages, pages to write stories, to write about dreams, to write about hope, to write about love, about passion, and about better tomorrow;

Hello to the moon that lights the dreams on the night, of a better life, of a better self, of our lives;

Hello to that moon that lights the dark sky, that listens to my pain, and yours; that listens to wishes; wishes we keep in our hearts, wishes we hope to make real;

Don’t regret the past, but learn from it; don’t run away from yourself, but find it; don’t give up, but fight for your dreams;

Hello, the full moon, your light makes us feel safe in the dark nights; when we see you, we see the light to our dreams, to our passion, the lights to hope;

Goodbye, to the past, goodbye to yesterday, to regrets, to pain, to give up, to nightmares, to everyone who tells us that we can’t, tells us that we won’t do it; tells us that our dreams will always be dreams;

Goodbye to everyone who stops us, to everything that makes us feel weak; goodbye to the mistakes we made;

Embrace the light of the moon, embrace the hope, embrace the power inside you, embrace love, embrace yourself and your true beauty;

Embrace your dreams, don’t turn them down; embrace the joy of life, embrace life and what it gives you each day;

Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.

Mahatma Gandhi

Let’s have some affirmations for the full moon and for a new chapter in our lives;

  • I am proud of everything that I have achieved in my life so far.
  • With each full moon, I release old patterns that no longer serve me.
  • I am ready to release all negativity and welcome positivity into my life.
  • I release any fear of the unknown and embrace the journey ahead of me.
  • I let go of past hurts and embrace healing and forgiveness instead.
  • I am strong, and I can overcome any challenges that may come my way.
  • I release self-doubt and believe in my abilities.
  • I embrace change as an opportunity for personal growth and transformation.
  • I am a creative force of nature and I have the power to create what I desire.
  • I am filled with the courage to pursue my dreams and desires.
  • I release any resistance to change and embrace the unknown instead.
  • I am constantly growing, evolving, and becoming a better version of myself.
  • I am in perfect balance and harmony with myself and my surroundings.
  • I honor both: my light as well as my shadows.
  • I am grateful for all the joy and beauty in my life.

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