Peace of Mind

Daily writing prompt
What brings you peace?

Hello everyone, how are you? How’s life so far? I know I don’t answer all the prompts, but I try, don’t blame me 😀 So let’s grab our coffee or any other drink and dive into our topic…

What brings you peace? It’s essential to have a list that you can go to when you feel overwhelmed, this list contains your comfort zone; sometimes we need that comfort zone to recharge and get back on track.

For me, the things that bring me peace are;


I’m a solo traveler, I love traveling so much, and to meet new people, have new experiences, and make new stories.

P.S. This pic from my shooting in El Gouna.


Reading is like living thousands of lives with every book you read; it living through pages of fantasy, pages of love, pages of fairy tales and fiction; and maybe pages of history…

Reading is the mind feed, the door to the wonderland.


I love journaling so much, love to write my diaries, do art journaling, and scrapbooking; it’s very therapeutic and mindful.

P.S. Another pic from my shooting collections.


Sometimes when I can’t write, I take my camera everywhere to take candidate shots, and when words fail you, pictures will do the job…

Watching movies and shows:

I’m a film lover, I love binging shows and watching movies when I feel down, when I feel that I can’t do anything, movies are like the world I love to escape…

Christmas time, Halloween, and Ramadan:

Yes, I love the festivals, especially those ones, in Ramadan, the peace in this month is like healing and recharging to face the world again.

Christmas time, the lights, the ornaments, the decor, the music, and the movies; it is like dancing and it brings joy and cheer to your life.

Halloween; yes, you read it right; I love Haloween and it’s one of the festivals that makes me wonder about it; I love the decor, the Fall, the pumpkin spice latte, horror movies, and Hocus Pocus 😀

Thank you all for having the time to read this post and thanks for the amazing prompts that encourage us to write daily; love you all and till next time, stay safe, smile, be happy and never give up… XO XO ❤ ❤

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